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Yeager Law
How We Are Different

The Traditional Estate Planning Experience

In the traditional experience with an estate planning attorney, you’ll meet with an attorney who will rush through a standard consultation that sounds like a sales pitch. You’ll get asked a bunch of questions but won’t really understand why they are important. A few weeks later, you’ll be presented with a set of estate planning documents that you don’t fully understand. You’ll sign the documents, trusting that the attorney knows what he’s doing. You’ll then take the documents home, put them in a drawer, and ignore them. Overall, you probably got maybe 2 hours face-time with your attorney.

Years go by and you never speak with the attorney again, despite all the changes in your life that impact your estate plan – the sale of your primary residence, birth of new grandchildren, diagnosis of a chronic health condition. When you are finally incapacitated or die, your family comes across your estate plan, which by now is greatly out-of-date. They try to contact the attorney listed in the documents. But he’s either retired or notifies your family that your estate needs to be probated because your plan didn’t keep up.

The Yeager Law Experience – Your Family’s Estate Planning Attorney

What makes our firm different is our focus on having a relationship with our clients. We want our clients to make educated choices that represent them and their family. For your plan to work it is important for you to understand how your estate plan works. That’s why we are willing to take the time to explain how the different estate planning documents work.

Our commitment to our clients extends beyond merely preparing the documents. We encourage our clients to reach out whenever they have a major life-event in their family, such as a birth, death, marriage, divorce, purchase or sale of a residence or major assets, etc. If you keep your contact information updated with us, we will also endeavor to keep you informed about major legal and tax changes that might impact your estate plan.

This commitment to our clients and their families is the secret to our success. It will be the reason you will return to us if you ever need your estate plan updated. It will be the reason you will refer the friends and family who also need protection.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Michael Yeager, Esq., LL.M. (Tax)

Address: 44901-B 10th Street West
Lancaster , CA
United States 93534

Phone: 866-398-3357
Contact Person: Michael Yeager, Principal Attorn
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