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Grace Resource Center
Today, Grace Resources, Inc. touches the lives of over 15,000 people each month by meeting real needs with a touch of Grace.

When Grace Resources first began 24 years ago Steve Baker would go shopping, often as late as midnight with the money he received that day, and buy groceries for the next day’s distribution. Those were days of scrambling to meet needs. But Steve knew that feeding people didn’t really solve the problem. He began to target the root causes of poverty and hunger. As a result we have grown from one paid staff member and 15 volunteers to 28 paid staff members and over 400 volunteers. Instead of shopping for food each day, twice each month a 45 foot semi-truck trailer pulls into our driveway and unloads skids of food.
More Than A Food Bank!

More Than A Food Bank!

Our vision is to empower people to thrive, not just survive, through training, education, food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Over the years we have added classes and now offer three: POWER, Computer, and Parenting. Hundreds of children receive backpacks filled with school supplies in August. Over 1,000 gently used or new jackets, gloves and scarves are given away through our Warm Hearts Warm Coats program. Every day we provide diapers, formula, clothing, car seats, and bassinets free of charge to parents referred by various agencies.

Thousands of toys are given away to families of GRC each Christmas, and at our Christmas in July event more toys will be given away. Our English speaking families can get emergency groceries on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. On Wednesday at 10:00 we provide emergency groceries to our Spanish speaking families. Free hot meals are served here on Wednesday evening, Friday evening, and Sunday afternoon, and at Desert Winds Community Church in Palmdale on Tuesday.

This year we plan to give 2,000 families a Thanksgiving basket with a complete Thanksgiving dinner, feeding nearly 10,000 individuals! We also will offer a hot Thanksgiving dinner here at GRC and do the same on Christmas Day.

In 2005 we opened Grace Thrift Center with the plan that the proceeds from the store will help supplement our ministries here at Grace Resource Center. Today the store is thriving and providing clothing, books, shoes, furniture, utensils, electronics, and other items at very low thrift store prices. More than ever we need the help we get from the sales at the thrift store!

In May of 2011 the City of Lancaster informed us that Catholic Charities was not going to renew their contract to run the Lancaster Community Emergency Shelter. Grace Resource Center was asked to to present a proposal to take over that ministry. On July 1, 2011 Grace Resource Center took over the Lancaster Community Shelter. We think it’s a perfect fit!

The combined budgets mean we have to raise 1.8 million dollars a year. That means we have to scramble to raise the money to keep both entities going. God is an awesome provider, and our friends like you, who help us financially, touch thousands of lives with each gift! What a challenge! What a blessing!

It doesn’t end there! Check out the rest of the site to see what we offer!

Address: 45134 Sierra Highway
Lancaster , CA
United States 93534

Phone: 661-940-5272
Fax: 661-940-5274
Contact Person: Steve Baker
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