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Megeredchian Law
Personal Injury Attorney / Accident Lawyer

What Makes Us Different Makes Us Better.
We are available to our clients anytime, at all hours of the day and night. Our goal is to keep our clients well informed about the entire process and take considerable measures to answer all questions while establishing a level of comfort and security. Our personal attention to the details of our clients’ case is a critical step towards a promise to obtain outstanding results that exceed expectations.

What makes us different is our success rate is 99% and that is how we are able to make a difference for our clients. We are not your typical 9am-5pm law firm. During the initial consultation, many attorneys will boast about their commitment and level of service, yet after signing the retainer their level of service, communication and results may not live up to the high expectations.

Why Hire Us?
Our clients are not just “clients,” we treat everyone like family with compassion and the utmost care. There are many reasons to hire us to handle your serious personal injury claim. Here are a few to consider:

Direct Access to Attorney
Your Attorney is always available and you have direct access to speak with them. This means no middle person, you won’t need to leave a message, no secretary, paralegals, etc. You get a personal direct line straight to the attorney.

Alex Megeredchian, Attorney

Lilie Safaryan, Office Manager

Available 24 hours, 7 days a week
When people read this they think there is no way that they call at 8:00pm at night and the attorney picks up the phone, well guess again! After hours the phone is transferred to your attorney’s cell phone and you can access him anytime, even Sundays.

Personal Attention
We make sure you always know what is going on with your file. Other law firms generally handle hundreds of cases at a time and generally the attorney and staff members forget to update clients on their files. Our firm will never need to look up your case. You are always assigned only one case manager that is familiar with your file at all times and can update you right away when you call.

Address: 801 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 970
Glendale , CA
United States 91203

Phone: 888-243-2050
Fax: 818-617-9117
Contact Person: Alex Megeredchian
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