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Antelope Valley Community Clinic
Our Mission Statement and History

Antelope Valley Community Clinic’s mission is to enhance the well-being of the community by providing comprehensive high-quality health care services including prevention and education with special emphasis on the medically underserved and low-income populations. Our goal is to provide a “medical home” for the underserved by significantly expand access to primary care, dental care, disease management, prevention and educational services.

This clinic was given life in April of 2006 when we began a set of meetings with local residents and community leaders including the local schools, hospitals, LA County, Kaiser Permanente, Antelope Valley Partners for Health and Partners in Care Foundation to find a solution to the lack of primary care services for the underinsured and uninsured in the Antelope Valley which spans over 2,000 square miles has over 480,000 residents. AV also has the poorest health indicators in all of Los Angeles County including diabetes, infant mortality, and obesity, CHF, asthma as well as many others.

In 2007 AVCC was incorporated and in 2008 with collaboration and the generosity of our community we began servicing the community with the Care-A-Van Mobile Clinic with one Family Nurse Practitioner and 3 staff who provided 1,800 visits in the first year. Ten years after the first community meeting and 7 years after opening, we now have 35 providers, 200 staff who last year as a FQHC Grantee provided 112,000 visits for 43,000 patients. Our services now include primary care, dental, specialty clinics and mental health services.

Under the leadership of Suzanne Shoop RN CNO in 2015 we opened a 4,000 sf Walk-In/Urgent Care Clinic, expanded our Quality Assurance and Case Management programs and have re-started our Patient Centered Medical Home Certification with NCQA Ms. Shoop states; “As a registered nurse I have dedicate my life to improving the health of others. Antelope Valley Community Clinic mission allows me to serve my community to my fullest potential.”

None of this would be possible without the help of our dedicated employees, superior providers and leadership as well as our generous donors most notably Kaiser Permanente and LA Care who provided our initial start-up grants.

Among our many specialty clinics our largest and most critical is our Diabetic Disease Management Program under the leadership of Dr. Arul our CMO and Endocrinologist who directs a comprehensive disease management programs. He stated “It is a privilege to be part of the clinic whose mission is to serve those in need and it’s a joy to every day meet patients whose life has been tangibly helped by the services we provide.” Diabetes is a major health issue in the country and a significant problem in our patient population. At AVCC we work on lessening the burden of diabetes in our patients by providing educational programs in diet and diabetes, in addition to regular medical care.

In 2016 AVCC will continue in its leadership role in the Antelope Valley continuing to enhance service for the underserved. We will be expanding our Health and Wellness Center in Lancaster adding another 25,000 sf and consolidating our Lancaster operations and add a newer larger Dental Clinic and Mental Health Clinic. We will also be opening a new Satellite Clinic in Sun Village to better serve outlying areas. In addition we will expand specialty servicing to include Dermatology, additional Behavior Health staff as well as a new Substance Abuse Assessment and Care Management Team to better address the critical problems we are having in the community related to opiate addictions.

Address: 45104 10th St W
Lancaster , CA
United States 93534

Phone: 661-942-2391
Fax: 661-902-6839
Contact Person: James A. Cook, MSW
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